Monday, October 1, 2007

The Slippery Slope

The Slippery Slope
Grade 11


Sites of Interest

Students will take part in observing the effects of unbalanced forces by testing the effects of pushing on different objects along differing surfaces. (Ex. pucks on air spark tables, books across desks, balls along floor). Students will be split into groups and choose one object in which they will organize an experiment to observe the effects of friction. They will graph their results using Microsoft Excel to provide a visual representation of results. We will also demonstrate how friction on a surface can be affected by certain factors ( Ex. water on roads). To do this we will wet the classroom floor with soapy water and a mop. Then students, wearing appropriate safety gear (Helmet, elbow pads, wrist guards), will slide along the slippery floor. To conclude show the students a video from online that demonstrates some of the effects and importance of friction.

General Learning Outcomes:
1. explain the effects of balanced and unbalanced forces on velocity

Specific Learning Outcomes:
20-B1.5K: explain, qualitatively and quantitatively, static and kinetic forces of friction acting on an object
Science, Technology, and Society
20-B1.2sts: explain that science and technology are developed to meet societal needs and that society provides direction for scientific and technological development (SEC1, SEC4) [ICT F2-4.8]
20-B1.2s: conduct investigations of relationships among observable variables and use of a broad range of tools and techniques to gather and record data and information.
• conduct experiments to determine relationships among force, mass, and acceleration, using available technologies (PR-ST3)[ICT C6-4.4]
• research the use of kinematics and dynamics principles in everyday life (PR-ST1)

Rationale for Computer Integration:

By using the internet I will be able to show some examples of the importance of friction in more then just everyday activities, but in safety and recreation. It also provides them with avenue for further inquiry if interested. Plus the use of Microsoft Excel helps develop their computer skills, working with data, and observing results.

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