Monday, October 8, 2007

Concept Maps

With the growing availability of technology for students in the classroom, interactive examples of skills or techniques can be demonstrated. For example concept maps, which are useful methods for connecting ideas, themes, and information. Here I have an example of a concept map which I could use in a Grade 5 science classroom for a lesson in the Electricity and Magnetism unit. With this concept map I could introduce the class to many of the terms and some concepts that they would be investigating through there unit. I could show them how magnetism and electricity are related and then relate the uses of magnetism and electricity to there everyday lives.

As another exercise, later on in the study, I could use the concept map as an example which the students could use in creating there own concept maps (using the computers). They could do additional research online as well as find pictures online to add to their concept maps. This would help them become more familiar with internet searches and the use of programs like inspiration.

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