Monday, September 24, 2007

Technology Integration

What is Technology Integration and how could it be used in the classroom? With a growing use of technology and access of technology to students it has become apparent that using new technologies in the classroom may be effective for facilitating learning. Some examples of technology integration would be using "Smart Boards", Blogs, or using the Internet. It seems to be that integrating forms of technology into the classroom is becoming more and more popular out of the attempt to find new ways to engage students and facilitate their learning. A good example is the idea of a computer in every classroom and the growing use of the internet. When used properly the internet can be an amazing resource for students to learn and develop an understanding of not only their country or region but the world at large. On the internet there are sources for a student to learn anything and everything as well as through many different styles that cater to their individual learning styles. There are interactive videos, and games that challenge their think and visually demonstrate concepts or processes as well as texts for those who learn better through reading. But internet could potentially be integrated poorly as well. For example if a teacher is in an area where the family incomes are lower and some of the students families are not connected to the internet then the student in that family may be disadvantaged if the teacher chooses to use the internet as a main teaching tool. The integration of technology into the classroom is something that should done carefully. The teacher or school should look into what technologies are available for all the students or could be provided for all the students to use so that no students are disadvantaged. Then following along with this would need to be instruction for both teachers and students so that use of these technologies is going to be available to all. And with all the new technologies arriving on the scene it is a daunting task for educators to keep up. But new technologies can be powerful tools for facilitating learning.

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