Sunday, November 4, 2007

Multimedia Learning Objects

With the growth of the internet more and more tools are coming available to teachers and students. Some such tools are applets, simulations, and virtual tours which provide teachers another tool to present to student for them to develop a deeper understanding of their subject matter. Here is an example of how some of these tools could be utilized for a lesson.

Name of Multimedia Learning Object:
Airfoil Applet, Paper Airplane Simulation

1. Subject Area: Science
2. Grade Level: 6
3. Source - URL:

4. Description of Multimedia Learning Object.
For this lesson I have actually chosen two learning objects to help students develop their understanding of Bernoulli’s principle and flight. So in the first object we have an applet that will allow students play with different aspects of shapes to see the impact on the airflow. By playing with the shape, size, and curvature students are able to see how the pressure difference is affected.
In the second object students are using a paper airplane flight simulator. They are able to change the angle at which the plane is thrown, the force, and the wing angle to see how this affects how far the plane will fly. They can learn by trial and error what each change does to the flight path of the plane.

5. Description of Integration Idea (how you intend to use it in the classroom): I think that I might use these tools at a couple different times. At would use these object right at the beginning of the unit to give the students hands on experience with the new subject matter. Then I would use them again latter on in the unit after students have been taught Bernoulli’s principle and taken a look at flight so that they can apply what they have learned.

6. Planning and Preparation: Along with having these multimedia tools some Styrofoam planes could be assembled with different wing designs for students to experiment with. This way students will have online demonstrations, hands on experience, direct instruction, experimentation, group work, and then be able to reflect to solidify there understanding.

7. Subject Outcome: Describe properties of air and the interaction of air with objects in flight.

8. ICT Outcome: Students will develop there skills in navigating through the internet and using multimedia tools for learning purposes.

In this way students will be fulfilling numerous learning outcomes, even though only a couple are outlined, and have the material presented to them in through numerous mediums.